Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Special Announcement

Well you have waited long enough.  Here's our special announcement...take it away Gracie!

Howdy, ya'll!  We're moving to Dallas, TX pardners!  Yeehaw!  Now Ma and Pa can buy me that Pinto I've always wanted.

Well said, Gracie, well said.

Yes, it is true.  We are leaving the rock for the mainland.  There's too much information to type it all out but long story short, a lawsuit halted any construction on the rail job until the city gets some paperwork and surveys completed.  The delay is predicted to last 9-12 months.  Just google it and I'm sure a ton of articles will pop up.  So with this delay, Justin cannot fully reach his potential here any longer.  Therefore, we are being transferred to the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  He will be working on a rail project there, also.

Our original plan was to return to Omaha after our stint here but this non-working, non-moving rail job really put a huge dent in that plan.  So for now, we are off to Texas.

I have very mixed feelings about leaving.

I am sad because:
1. we are leaving awesome friends behind who helped us adjust and helped us enjoy our time here.  They took us into their homes and hearts and gave us a family "Ohana" while being away from family.
2. I finally got to liking being here!  My pregnancy did not help with that.  After Griffin was born, I started to feel like my old self and liked being here.
3. I love the daily beautiful weather that is always predictable.
4. I will miss the scenery and amazing culture that this island has.
5. nothing can compare to this place.  It's unique and all its own.
6. we will miss playdates with all our friends.
7. we will miss the beaches!
8. I will be returning to work (hopefully) and will have to leave my babies in the care of another human being.  I am sad to give up that time with them.

I am happy because:
1. we will be in the same time zone as Omaha.
2. we will be closer to home.
3. it will be shorter travel time and cheaper flights to go home and for visitors to come to us.
4. I miss the variety of stores, restaurants and things to see.
5. I met some amazing people here, and we got to experience things we would have never done in Omaha.
6. we will get to create more family memories and enjoy what Texas has to offer us.
7. I hopefully will get back into the classroom, I miss it!
8. I know that our weekends will still be filled with family time.
9. I got to spend each of my days with two of the most amazing kids we could've asked for.  I count a blessing that I got to see them grow each day.
10. I know God is watching out for us.

I am worried that:
1. I will be homesick and now, Hawaii sick, all over again.
2. Gracie will be "home"sick also and miss her friends.
3. the kids will have a difficult time adjusting to the new normal.
4. we are moving the kids too much and that they still don't get to see family as much as we did growing up.
5. I won't find a job.
6. I won't find the best place for our babies to be during the day while we work.

I am excited:
1. to see new things.
2. try new things.
3. to be able to go to a craft store without wishing it was a Hobby Lobby or Michael's.
4. expose our babies to another new way of life.
5. to meet new people and hope they are as awesome as my friends in Omaha and Hawaii.
6. for the variety of stores and restaurants.  Hawaii lacks so much in those two areas. :)
6. that our family will still be together and enjoying life.

Thank you Hawaii for giving us everything we were missing out on living in Omaha.  Thank you for bringing our family together and teaching us how to depend on each other through the good and bad.  Thank you for exposing us to your beautiful land and people.  I am ever so grateful for our time here, the experiences we had, the people we met, and the memories we have made.  This very tiny island in the middle of the Pacific will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Oh, details!  This move is happening fast!  The movers come on the 13th (next week!) to pack up the house and cars.  We leave the night of the 14th to head to Omaha.  We will be in Omaha from the 15th to the 25th to visit and see our family and friends.  We also get to spend Thanksgiving at home this year!  So grateful for that!  On the 25th, we fly down to Dallas to start our roots.  We don't know how long we will call Dallas "home" but we do know that we are going to enjoy our time there hopefully as much, or more, than we did here.

I'll try to get one more post in before next Tuesday, but I can't promise anything.  Otherwise, look for an update sometime in December/January when we are settling in to our new home.  Thanks for reading this little blog since we've been gone.  It means the world to us to know that people still care and wonder about us. :)

Aloha Hawaii!!

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