Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Heading south...our arrival to DFW

So here we are, beginning of February and I'm about to transport you back to late November.  We left Omaha for Dallas/Fort Worth on November 25th.  The delay on the plane was about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours.  Not fun with an already fed baby who should've played for a bit and slept for most the flight.  That nap was also delayed.  Gracie complained because she didn't want to go.  Little did she know that we felt the same way.

I forgot birds fly south in the winter...they are all here in Texas.  I was seriously amazed at the amount of birds in one spot.  Not only were the wires covered in birds but so was the ground to the right.  I thought it was black dirt at first.
Feeling like I am in a horror movie
Dinner out because we are staying at the hotel.  This is at a BBQ place called Dickey's.  Free ice cream is the best!
Dinner out again...yes, we got sick of eating out after the first week.
 While house hunting, we stopped at a nearby park for a much needed break.
Enjoying the sun because we were freezing!
My handsome little man 
Love those cheeks!
Daddy and Griffin

Having some fun!
Before moving into the house, we took a trip down to the Fort Worth Zoo.  It is pretty amazing!  So glad we got to check it out.  It is ranked #1 (or something close to that) in America.  It's hard to believe any zoo can be better than Omaha's but this definitely had some cooler things.
At the entrance
Checking out the animals

This was a large stone copy of the state of Texas.  The two circles are DFW.  Fort Worth is on the left and Dallas on the right.

Cinderella found her stagecoach

American Bald Eagle

Getting some groceries!
 On December 6th, we signed our leased and began to move into our new place.  We were so excited to know that we were no longer in a hotel.  Hotel living stinks.  Our new home is in Keller, TX which is North Fort Worth.  It's a newer development with lots of new things going up around us.  The neat part is that we are not too far from Keller's main street with some old buildings and antique shops.  We are loving the new place so far. :)
Movers have arrived!
Griffey has also arrived safe and sound!
Ariel found her stash of movies :)
Here's a look around the place.  I promise you it doesn't look like this anymore.  And the plus side is that I am not pregnant so no morning sickness to slow down the moving in and unpacking process. Yay!
Kitchen/ Garage on the left
Front door on the right side/Living room
Master Bedroom/ Walk-in closet on left/ MB straight ahead
Griffin's Room/Guest Room
Gracie's Room
"The Office"
So the transition to Fort Worth has gone much better than it did when we moved to Hawaii.  I feel more at home here, it looks more like home here.  But without a doubt, I miss Hawaii, our friends and the beautiful views more and more each day and more than I had expected to.  Who would've guessed that I would be homesick for our second home.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you are enjoying Texas and your new home! My husband is from Northeast of Dallas (Farmersville), and we've never been to the Fort Worth Zoo. We may have to check it out the next time we visit his family!

    I found your blog on the International MOMS Club facebook page. Hope you're having a great week!
