Saturday, February 5, 2011

Paleo challenge

The last 5 weeks have consisted of meat, veggies, healthy oils, seed and nuts. At our gym, Crossfit Omaha, a large group of members joined a 5 week paleo challenge. Now, Justin has been trying to convince me of this lifestyle for the past 10 or so months. He slowly led me into this lifestyle without me really thinking about it.  I decided to give the challenge a shot but not for health reasons but to try to win some money. It was definitely a challenge. It really made me think and look at my food and ingredients more closely. Even at lunch, I would look around at my fellow coworkers' meals and think about how many things were processed or just plain, not healthy. I never did that. I used to eat what they ate and never really saw anything wrong with it.  This challenge made me realize a few things. They are:
1. Just because it says 'organic/natural' doesn't mean it's paleo.  It might be cleaner food or healthier than other options but it's not paleo.
2. It's healthy and great for your body and mind. There were so many success stories at the end of this challenge about weight loss, lower cholesterol, eliminating lifelong medication, and mental health (getting better sleep, having more energy). I experienced better sleep, higher energy levels and a better picture of myself. Why would someone want to do diets that are short lived when all they need is this kind of lifestyle that can last forever?!
3. It's made me appreciate foods that I've never tried! Brussel sprouts, kale, cauliflower, etc. are just some of the new things we have tried and stuck with. Without this challenge, I would have never tried or learned to like these things.
4. It's also made me appreciate a treat as just that... a treat. I realized that it should not be part of my everyday life.  I know that a treat is ok to have if it's for something special, to celebrate something, or it's something you only get once in a while. But only when it's special, not just because I'm bored and want something to do.
And finally...
5. Even though people think it's crazy, life is all about enjoying it and why not enjoy it by taking care of my mind and body. God gave me the gift of life, and I want to do my part while I'm here on Earth...taking good care of myself, my family, friends and the people I encounter. It's all about enjoying the time I have and that's my plan.

So, all in all, I encourage others to try it! If not trying it, at least search it. Find out what it's all about. It may make you think a little bit more about what you put into your body. Who's not going to benefit from that?

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

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