Monday, June 6, 2011


 “When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” — Alexander Graham Bell
3 weeks ago today, Justin sent me an email that said, "Were you serious about moving?"  I thought, "Oh boy, what did I get myself into?!"  Well, Justin was offered a job in Oahu, Hawaii starting sometime in August.  We have debated for several weeks about whether to do it or not.  We looked at finances, pros, cons, how long we'd be gone, my career, and so many other things to help us make a decision.  We tried to look for signs of any kind to tell us to go or not.  (Things we saw, Bosses Week celebration at my work was Hawaiian themed, email from a travel agent about a trip to Hawaii, 4th year wedding anniversary gift: travel- Hawaiian vacation).

After a little bit of time, a million conversations, some tears, and lots of thought and deliberation, we have decided to make Hawaii our new home.  Like the quote says, "When one door closes another door opens..."  That's kind of how I see it.  Justin's coworkers talked about him with a great deal of respect and promise.  I truly believe that this is the right move for us.  It's an opportunity that we will probably never get again in our lifetime and an opportunity to grow together as a family.  It's an opportunity for us to experience something different than Omaha life and see a new cultural and way of life.  I am hoping that I can see this the same way when we are out there and on our own.  I am hoping that the time goes by rather quickly and we can come back to our Omaha life.

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.” — Joseph Campbell 
The hardest part about all of this is leaving our family and friends.  We both grew up here, our heart and soul is here.  We are going to miss every single thing about being with our families and friends.  I know that when we are in Hawaii, we will not find a single person to match the type of people we have here.  Leaving these people is the hardest part of it all.  We will miss out on so much: births, weddings, birthday celebrations, holidays, and even the simple things like family dinners, date nights, and going out with our friends.

But God has been so good to us and has blessed us with some of the greatest things in life.  I know He will continue to watch over us and bless us.  Maybe He will have our new life path cross the paths of some other great people while we are there.  I'm putting all my faith in my husband and God.  With these two, life can't go wrong.  I have to let life happen the way He has planned it for us.

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” — Dr. Seuss
So even though I will probably cry my eyes out when we leave, I know how often I'll look back and smile because of all the memories I have with the greatest people I know.  Plus, a little look on the positive side, I WILL BE BACK, just in a couple of years and probably on some trips back to visit because who am I kidding?  I can't live with my family and friends!  Also, if any of you who read this blog want to come visit, PLEASE do!!!!  All you have to do is call me and book your tickets!

It's bittersweet ending to a new beginning, but we are looking forward to a new opportunity.

Details about our move to Hawaii:  We will be selling our house and my lovely car so if you know anyone looking for a home or my car (which I am so sad to leave both behind) please let us know.  We will be going to look for a place at the end of June and going back to stay towards the end of August.  We will be there from 1-3 years depending on the job, living situation, etc.