Another day, another dollar (minus the dollar since I stay home). I'm back for another update. May has come and gone, we are in June. Holy moly! Where is the year going? My babies are now another year older and now we are 6 months till Christmas. Slow down time!
Anyways, it was a month packed with lots of stuff. I never think we do that much until I look at pictures. So, I'll get started for ya.
I already posted about Griffin's birthday party. The prep and party took up the first 5 days of the month for us. It was worth it, don't you think?
Lots of crazy things happened at home. For example:
avocado face |
and this.
Daddy's smashed face |
Mother's Day also happened this month. I did It was a dream! Thanks to my awesome babies and my awesome hubby for taking good care of me that day. It was nice not to have to cook, clean or take too much responsibility in taking care of the kids. Another crazy thing did happen that day that I do not have a picture of. Gracie loves Legos. She decided to take a little Lego girl to Target with us. I told her to leave it home, but she did not want to listen to my great advice.
Here is what the Friends Lego girls look like if you are not sure. They are about 1/2 the size of my finger and their hair comes off. It is not glued to their heads. So in true Gracie fashion, she was playing in a clothes rack when she came out and said she lost her friend's hair. Gracie got her little Lego lady's hair stuck at Target, in a clothes rack, in a small metal hole, a little bigger than the length/width of my index finger. Because I couldn't bother to leave the thing hairless, I (the mother-of-the-year obviously) went and stuck my finger in that hole and tried to get it out. I tried with my finger, the arm of sunglasses, and gum. Then I lost the gum in the hole inside the little lady's hair. Justin some how got it out with his finger (therefore, I had to forfeit my MOTY award and give it to Dad). "Happy Mother's Day Mommy, now get my Lego lady's hair out of there!!!" Thanks love.
On May 18th, we took the kids to a Texas Rangers baseball game. We love that there are new things to see and do here in Texas, and this is one of the things we wanted to do! The stadium is beautiful and the atmosphere was fun. Gracie and Griffin ate their first funnel cake, attended their first pro baseball game, and lasted until the 5th inning. We had a ton of fun and so grateful for the chance to go!
In heaven |
Family photo |
The next day, we went to a friend's 2nd birthday. The kids had fun playing in the water and jumping on the trampoline. Gracie was excited to leave with a giant lollipop.
Look at that belly! |
That week, we also enjoyed some fun at the new Altitude Trampoline Park with some friends. This place is so awesome. Griffin loved "bouncing" and "jumping", and Gracie had a blast running and jumping everywhere. This might be an every week thing for us with the scary Texas heat
approaching here.
All week, we prepped for our trip to Omaha. We left on the 24th, and it took us about 11 hours again. It was much harder to contain Griffin this time around because he wasn't as mobile in March when we drove. But we all made it with our ears still functioning and all of our hair in place. Thank you God!
My little cool dude |
My beautiful big girl! |
On our way home, we take I-35, which cuts through Moore, OK. We were expecting to see some damage, but I don't think we were prepared to see what we saw. As we approached the town, we didn't see much but small debris on roofs and in the grass. Then, as we drove under a large overpass that was blocking the view, we saw the real damage and destruction. The pictures will tell you just what we saw, but not what we felt. My heart breaks for the people there. But like every tragic thing that happens in this country, people dust themselves off and start to pick up the pieces, literally, in this case. Things looked a bit different on our way back home. More organized piles of debris but spaces where homes once stood were just flat. Seeing the devastation just reminded me of how blessed we are and to never take anything for granted.
Movie theater- damage to the front of the building. |
Interstate sign, homes still intact but you can see fences blown over and other damages to the homes. |
Then this...just a mess. Homes destroyed. |
More homes destroyed. |
Hard to believe that homes were once there. So sad. |
Lots of business damaged on the other side of the interstate (same side as the movie theater) |
After driving through Moore, you can't help but to count your lucky stars. It took us about 45 minutes to get through a very small stretch of Moore because people just can't help but to slow down and look. I don't blame them. It was unreal.
The drive continued on. We see the sunset in Nebraska.
Nebraska sunset (somewhere south of Nebraska City) |
Gracie took my phone and took some "selfies" |
What a little cutie! |
We finally made it to Omaha around 8:30 p.m. that Friday night. We were off to bed soon after because Saturday was a busy day. We had breakfast plans with my mom, sisters and niece and nephew, shopping to do and a wedding to attend.
Saturday morning: Breakfast with the Hernandez's
Gracie and her cousin Lizette |
Aunt Di with Griffin and Benny |
Grandma Linda with her girls :) |
Saturday afternoon: shopping and naps before the wedding reception. Justin's second cousin, Kevin, got married to his beautiful bride, Liz. I stayed home with the kids for the mass so they could nap and not be a nuisance at the church. Plus, had they not napped, they would have been a major pain at the reception.
Saturday evening: wedding reception! Congrats to Kevin and Liz on their new life together. You make one beautiful couple! Gracie had so much fun prancing and dancing around in her new dress from Grandma Linda. Griffin just loved the open space of Prep. Oh, and the reception was held at Creighton Prep. 6 years ago, almost exactly on the day, Justin and I had our wedding reception there. It brought back so many great memories. Gracie was on a kick of wanting to watch our wedding video almost every day for about a week. She was excited to see the place!
Already showing her dance moves |
This girl loves cake pops. |
In cake pop heaven. |
At some point in the evening our little man started to run a fever. He actually had it for the next 3 days. And when I took him in to see the doctor, the fever was gone and nothing was wrong with him. Go figure, but glad my baby was back to being "normal".
Dancing with big sis |
Gracie found a new dance partner |
He was 5! Our daughter is on the much taller end of 3 here. |
Sunday afternoon, we had a birthday party for Gracie and Griffin at my big bro's/girlfriend's house. We were hoping it was going to be a warm, summery day so we could go swimming but no such luck. It was a beautiful day though and some of the kids did end up getting wet anyways. Gracie insisted that she wanted a mermaid birthday party. So, being the crafty lady that I am (bored mostly), I decided to do a few decorations for this party. We had a mermaid and pirate bash since it was a duo party. They had their birthday banners, a birthday door sign, picture banners, pirate pinata, pin the flower on the mermaid and a treasure hunt. She had so much fun and still talks about the "pinyaya" (pinata). We feel so blessed to have been able to celebrate the kids' birthdays at home this year. Last year was hard celebrating Griffin's birth and Gracie's 3rd birthday without our family and friends. What did make it a little easier was having our little Hawaiian O'hana to help us celebrate the milestones, and they were missed this year. If it hadn't been for them, those two events would have been very sad in my book. Gracie did get to have her grandma and two aunts out there on her birthday, so that was pretty special. But this year, we got to see everyone!!!! So so blessed.
Birthday banners! (I love making these!) |
As I typed this post Gracie said, "I just love that cake. It was so beautiful." hehe What a sweetie! |
Gracie was the only one listening to me |
Benny, Gracie and Lizette |
Treasure hunting |
Looking for her pirate booty! |
They found it! |
Cousins :) |
Birthday singing time! |
Yay! Another year older! |
We laughed because she gave no indication if she liked the presents or not. Same face the whole time. |
Griffey got presents too! |
Gracie and the "pinyaya" |
Gracie and her friend Tenley |
She was exhausted from all the partying that day!
Happy birthday sweet girl! |
The day of the kids' birthday party was also Justin and I's 6th anniversary. We can hardly believe it's been 6 years since we said our "I do's". Last year, we didn't do anything. Heck, I don't even think we gave each other a card. I guess that's what happens when you have babies. This year, since we were in Omaha and had a babysitter, we decided to go out for sushi, drinks and a movie. We went to Kona then to the theater to see Fast 6. The food was good, the beer was delicious, the movie was great and my date was perfect! Six years and my heart still beats fast for you, babe!! Happy anniversary! Here's to many, many, many more. Love you!
The next day we spent at Pam's house. I don't think we did too much. Griffin just loves having his daddy around all day though!
snuggles <3 |
One day we went to Stinson Park for some fun. This was after I took Griffin to the doctor to get checked out because of the fever. "It's probably just a virus." I hate hearing that at the dr.'s office and paying them to tell me that. That's what I figured it was but the kid had me worried! I was very thankful it was just a virus because he was bouncing back to his old, regular, wild self.
We miss going to Stinson. Gracie used to love the little water fountain around the tower. The only thing I wish they had was a canopy over the swings/playground for the summer time! Other than that, we love it! Aunt Tina (Justin's Tina) met us there to play for a bit. Then we headed to Regency to the Paradise Bakery and Cafe for some lunch and more fun.
He loves swinging but was totally not amused here. |
Liked climbing much more |
Making friends, coloring and having fun! |
Making some special wishes! |
Griffin did not want to pose :( |
But Gracie did! |
She loves Pottery Barn as much as me.
That night we celebrated the kids' birthdays with the Feldman's at Mama's Pizza. The pizza there is soooo good! So glad we went there! The kids and fun and it was nice to see all of them and catch up. We are so blessed to have such incredible families on both sides.
Singing time! |
Birthday boy |
Birthday girl |
Loving the cupcake! |
And of course she does too. Her favorite quote these days is "I just want junk." Me too, Gracie. |
Such a good smile with Daddy! |
Thanks for celebrating with us Feldmans!!!!! |
Day after the party: Gracie and Griffin showing off some of their new duds.
New jammies, which he ruined about 20 minutes later. I'll spare ya the details. |
Gracie in her new dress |
New clothes after a bath |
More snuggles for Dad |
Another night we had dinner at my mom's. Are you starting to see the dilemma with living out of state? I swear I gain 10 lbs. just from visiting home! We eat out quite a bit because we miss some of our favorite places and people love cooking for us. I can't complain because it all tastes so stinkin' good!
Grandma Linda and her Andresen babies |
Gracie in her new big girl carseat/booster! Growing so fast! |
A storm blew through on our way from my mom's to Justin's mom's house. Here's what we saw on the way home.
3 hitchhikers??? No, just 3 M & Ms getting a wash on top of a car. weird. |
A tornado forming??? No, just clouds with nothing rotating |
A rainbow??? Yes! Our first rainbow I think since leaving Hawaii. I miss seeing them on a regular basis. Usually 4 p.m. daily. |
We wrapped up the last day of the month with AJ's, Justin's little brother's, graduation party. The party was actually a combo party with their cousin Derrick. AJ graduated from Creighton Prep, Justin's alma mater, and Derrick from Elkhorn High School. We are so proud of AJ and his accomplishments. AJ, we can't wait to see what your future holds. Keep the shades on because it looks bright and people say it makes you look cool. ;) Good luck at UNO and maybe you'll meet the woman of your dreams/future wife in a few months just like your big bro. He's one lucky guy! ;) No, but seriously, have fun, study hard, and enjoy the experience. There is nothing like it! We love you AJ!
Congrats AJ! |
Our sweet little fam |
Gracie and the graduate, AJ |
Us with AJ. Hard to believe you are going to college! |
What a month! So much fun to look back at! June will have more pictures of our stay in Omaha because the kids and I decided last minute that we wanted to stay another week. So the fun continues! Thanks for reading and keeping up with the
Kardash Andresens!!!