Spring is here and so is spring break! I love this time of year! So spring break is this week and I have a million things to do during my 5 day break. One of which is to relax and enjoy my time away from work. So on the agenda, cleaning the basement, repainting a cabinet for the bathroom, making some bows, being crafty, finishing Always Looking Up by Michael J. Fox, taking Gracie to the park, zoo, and P.E. 101, visiting people, and working on finishing the bathroom.
So far we have gone to the park, P.E. 101, visited grandparents, new babies, and gone to plenty of stores. I have been reading my book, made a spring wreath, almost finished repainting the cabinet (need 1 final coat of yellow then touch up the white) and as far as the bathroom goes...we hired a guy to tear out the ceiling and dry wall.
Things are coming along and I'm knocking things off my list. For a list maker like me, it feels great to scratch things off and then rewrite it so it looks nice again.
Spring is definitey a time for renewal and rejuvenation. I am enjoying this spring break because once I get back to school, I'll be praying for summer break!
Here are picsfrom my "being creative" stint last night. Happy with the outcome!

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