As many of you know, our happy news is finally out, we are moving home! We could not be more excited for this. We actually get packed up and loaded tomorrow and Friday. It's happening!! I wanted to get this post in before we left on Friday because we aren't sure when our stuff will arrive. It will definitely NOT take the time it did for our move to and from Hawaii. When we return to Omaha, new things will be happening. Justin has accepted a new job with Union Pacific and will start on the 15th. He is excited for this new career opportunity and looking forward to see what new doors open. I accepted a job also. I will be returning to Rohwer in August as a 2nd grade teacher again! I am so thrilled to be able to return and pick up where I left off. Rohwer is like home to me, and I couldn't be happier that I'm going back there. That means that since Justin and I will both be working, the kids will be in a daycare/preschool. Daycare will pretty much be totally new to both Gracie and Griffin. I can't even believe that Gracie is old enough to be going to preschool! I think she is going to love meeting new kids and learning a variety of things. Griffin may not like it since he's so use to mama always being there. It's going to be a transition for all of us, but I have faith, we'll make it through. :)
I do want to give a special thanks to all of you who were so supportive while we were gone. You will never know how much the simple texts, emails, FB messages, phone calls, letters, etc. made us feel. It was really hard being gone and leaving the people we cared for so much, but each time we got a note from home in any way, it really did help to ease the sadness. So, thank you. Thank you for not casting us off and forgetting about us. We appreciate all the support you offered, and we appreciate those people who made time for us when were back home. We are forever grateful for you love, support and friendships.
While being gone proved to be difficult at time, we are very grateful for the opportunities Kiewit provided us along the years. So, for your reading pleasure, here's a short list of the things we are most thankful for while being away:
1. Our new found friendships: We made some of the most amazing friendships while being gone. Had we not left home, we would have never met these people. It was meant to be. They helped me through some of the rough patches of being homesick, they took my babies in, they accepted us with open arms, they were warm and inviting, and they supplied us with some of the most precious memories we have of the places we've been. Thank you friends...for will never know how much you truly mean to us. I told Justin that this whole experience was worth it just because of the people we have met. Each of you are so special to us.
2. The beautiful scenery: Well really that just applies to Hawaii. It is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I have not been to that many places, but I do know it is beautiful. We saw some of the coolest things while there. Texas, you are beautiful and unique in your own way. I'm just having a hard time deciding what that way is. Kidding! I love the old town feel here, it actually made me feel like I was kinda home! The two places are so different, but yet they both now hold such sentimental value to us.
3. The memories: Ahh, so many memories! Two years seems like a long time when you are not home, but how those two years fly by. Sometimes, it doesn't even feel like we were gone that long. We filled those two years with some of the best memories our little family will remember (or see in pictures) forever. I wouldn't trade those 2 years for anything. Nothing.
4. Our time together as a family: When you are not surrounded by people you know and love, you really learn how to work together as a family. I think our experience away has really bonded us together. We know we have each other and that's all we need. Honestly, I know we will miss our time alone with each other when we are back in Omaha. But that is something we are willing to compromise to be able to spend more time with family and friends. There's always a give and take, we learned that and accept that. We will also learn to work together as a family in a different way. It will be just as amazing as the last two years have been. Things happen for a reason.
5. The people and the cultures: I might miss this the most. But that is the great thing about living on the mainland now, you get to take REAL roadtrips to see other cool things and other cool people. And now we have two places to visit friends! We are excited to explore this wonderful land and to see all the cool things this country has to offer. But Hawaii and Texas have nothing on the other 48 states. Each has its own way of life and each has its own history and culture. Both amazing places and both have treated us so well. Thank God for that!
So, with that, it is a bit bittersweet to be ending this chapter in our lives, but we are looking forward to spending our days the way we want the kids to grow up, with our families and with our friends. There's no place like home.
Again, thank you all for your love and support the last two years. We may not have loved every minute of being away, but we wouldn't trade it for the world. We are so grateful to our friends near and far that helped us find a way to call these places our home.
Without any further ado, June...
We started the month of June still in Omaha. Justin left for Texas on the 3rd to head back to work on the 4th. The kids and I stayed for a couple reasons 1. I was not ready to leave again and 2. I wanted to get a few things in order for the house before leaving because we were not sure when we would be back. Plus I didn't want Gracie stuck in a car for 11 hours on her 4th birthday! I was so glad we stayed the extra week because the Friday before I had interviewed for a job at Rohwer. During the extra week in Omaha, I was able to go in and sign my contract with Millard!!!!!! Yay!! At that time, we were still waiting to hear more on Justin's end, but things were starting to fall into place the way we were hoping they would. My mom told me "Good things come to those who wait." She's so good at reminding me to not worry so much and to be patient. Plus, I know my mom is always right!
June 1st
Grandma and Griffin |
Photo bomb by Griffin |
Grandma and Gracie |
Grandma and the grandbabes |
Regular Picture |
Not so regular. Tina and Griffin need to work on their silly faces :) |
Siblings all snuggled up on the couch |
June 2nd- Lots of plans today. We went to the house to do a few things. All the days at the house are all blurred together, so, honestly, I don't even remember what we were there for, maybe to replace light bulbs?
At the "old" house |
Afterwards, we met our friends Anna and Fiona at Stinson Park. Gracie just adores Fiona. She loves any chance she can get to be able to play with her and her sisters. Unfortunately, both the other two sisters were sick that day. She was sure glad that Fiona made it though! I went to high school with Anna, and she took care of Gracie for us when we were working in Omaha. They are such sweet people and the girls are just the cutest! I love that even after two years of being gone, Gracie and Fiona love seeing each other.
Gracie and her BFF |
That night, we had dinner plans with the Krebs Family. Gracie was pretty excited to play with Tenley! Who isn't?! She is such a cutie!
Gracie and Miss T cruisin' in her baby doll stroller |
Off the park, check out the ride. |
The girls in the wagon |
Swinging at the park |
Ten and Griff |
Now one with Gracie |
Kisses goodbye |
June 3rd- We celebrated Gracie's 4th birthday (again). Griffin was thrilled. We had pizza, cupcakes, and then Gracie got ice cream with Grandma Pam and Jay. She was a happy camper. The next day she asked if she could have more birthday presents. LOL! I told Justin that from now on, we were doing one party. She started thinking there was going to be a celebration every day! She already knows how to make it a birth-week!
Happy and Grumpy |
Happy birthday sweet girl! We love you! |
Another day at the house and our final weekend there. The renters didn't do too bad of a job keeping us with the house. We did have to fix a ceiling fan, replace a chandelier, replace a broken window, repair a leak, do major yard work on the east and north side of the house and general clean up. Overall, the house looked pretty good though. I was pleasantly surprised since it was four men living there.
Inspector Gracie on the job |
On Jay's boat after a hard day's work! |
She loved the inside more than the out because it was like a little house for her! |
Grilling in the rain... |
We left early Sunday morning for our drive back. We decided to stop in Oklahoma City to see the Federal Building bombing memorial. It was really neat how symbolic everything was there. Beautiful place to recognize the innocent people who lost their lives.
Entrance on one end. This street used to continue through that wall. That is where the bomber had parked the truck. The street is now gone and in its place is a reflecting pool behind the wall that extends the length of the block. |
There is a chair for every victim of the bombing. This is where the Federal Building once stood. This picture would be as if we were standing in the building facing the street. The wall in the picture above is in the middle of the picture and the reflecting pool sits down but the trees. |
The fence outside the memorial. Leaves you speechless and sad. |
Back in Texas and, it is getting so hot! We are so not used to this. Here's one way we tried to cool down.
Another way? Staying INSIDE! The heat is slowly melting me each day.
Still only 2 teeth! |
Yet another way? Making Dad sweat while you relax. Oh and Gracie picked her clothes that day. :)
We were also fortunate enough to go to our little friend's birthday party. It was Natalie's birthday, and Gracie was so excited to be able to go. Cinderella even graced us with her presence! Gracie has yet to get over the fact that Cinderella was there.
She just stared at her in amazement. |
Dancing with Cinderella |
Playing games |
Princess Cinderella and Princess Gracie |
This is the birthday girl, Natalie! The Hopkins Family has a special place in my heart. We met Buddy and Heather in Omaha while Buddy worked with Kiewit and their children attended school at Rohwer. I also had the pleasure of teaching one of their daughters at Rohwer before they moved out of state. Last summer, Buddy was tragically killed in a hit and run accident while he was out for his morning run. I was so sad for them and my heart aches thinking of the pain they continue to deal with. Their mom, Heather, is amazing. As much as she hurts inside, she shows her children how to be positive, how to persevere, how to love, how to forgive, how to heal and so many other things. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever had the fortune to meet. We are so thankful our paths crossed again. We love Hopkins Family and will miss you dearly! |

Later that day, we decided to check out Legoland because they were having a Star Wars exhibit. Justin loves Star Wars; not in the nerdy way :). We got there and saw one display and thought, that's it?! Well, we had no idea there was more, and I didn't know that until after we left that there was more somewhere else in the facility! Dang it! Anyways, we still had fun, and Gracie drove her first car!
Waiting patiently to get in the Lego car! |
Ready to go! |
We laughed so hard the whole time because since this was her first time, she kept driving right into the sides and getting stuck. Needless to say, the ride didn't last long before they cut the power because so many of the drivers were amateurs and kept getting stuck. |
The rest of June included hiding inside from the dreadful heat and entertaining ourselves, testing out a splash pad, Daddy/Daughter Date, and lunch with friends.
Lunch with my two cuties! |
Park and splash pad day with friends |
Trying on Daddy's T-shirt |
Daddy/Daughter Date. haha Gracie's bug eyes are killing me! haha |
Dinner and movie (Monsters University) |
Awwwwww. So sweet! |
Playing in the ottoman |
The most gigantic moth I've ever seen! |
Lunch with friends! |
Gracie went in for her 4 year well check and got all caught up on her immunizations. She had to get 3 shots! Apparently, she's ready for school now with those shots. I thought they did that right before kindergarten! I guess not! But, on the bright side, it's over with! She was such a brave girl, but her tears still made me sad. My baby is growing up too fast!
Showing off her band-aids! |
Caught Griffin relaxing in his chair that day. Being a witness to Gracie's shots is tough on a little brother. |
Tomorrow the movers come to pack and Friday they will load the truck. It's surreal to think we are moving again. But this time it's home and it's for good. Looking forward to seeing many of you in Omaha! Pray that we make it there safely and without any incident. See you soon Omaha!!!