our newest addition, Griffin Michael Andresen!
Our little bundle of joy was born on May 7, 2012 at 11:22 a.m. HST (4:22 p.m. CST). He weighed in at 8.13 lbs. (.01 shy of tying Gracie's birth weight) and was measured at 21 1/2 inches long (tying Gracie's birth length). Yes, I apparently deliver big babies! :)
Here are some pictures that we took and some newborn pictures done by Bella Baby Photography.
Epidural in and ready to have a baby! |
Justin was ready to have a baby too! |
Griffin has arrived! |
Getting cleaned up a bit |
In the nursery get weighed, measured, poked, prodded and bathed. |
Our little man |
So happy he's here |
Gracie's 1st picture with her baby brother. She was one proud sis! |
Goodnight little monkey |
Day 3: Going home :) |
So sweet! |
Riding in the back seat with her baby brother |
Both of our babies passed out on the way home. Long past few days :) |
Finally home and enjoying it! |
Here's the details of D-day...
Sunday the 6th
-Contractions started to gain some strength around 12 p.m. ish
-Around 3 p.m., contractions were picking up in time and intensity but I didn't know if I should be concerned about it yet. I felt like I was in labor with Gracie for forever so I didn't think that I was in labor then.
-Called the hospital around 4 or 5, and they told me to come on down...I was the next contestant!
-Dropped Gracie off at Auntie Alyssa's house around 6:30 p.m.
-Checked into the hospital around 7 p.m. and walked around for 1 hour to see if there were any changes in labor. I was dilated to 3 when I came in and only went to 3 1/2. We were discharged. Boooooo! I had a feeling that would happen.
-We decided to stay around the hospital and try to find some dinner in Waikiki...no luck. Leave it to crappy parking and being past 10 by the time we found a place to park for us not to be able to eat at Outback because they closed at 10. We ended up finding a McDonald's, ordered some food but my contractions started getting worse. I decided then to not eat any food.
-So back to the hospital we went at 11:00 p.m.
-Checked back in, got into a labor/delivery room.
-Stayed all through the night, contractions started to lessen and got further apart in time. Not a good thing if I wanted to have a baby!
-Got an epidural around 6 a.m.
-Morning nurse came in at 7 a.m., pumped me with potocin because my doctor was upset they let my contractions go so far apart without giving me the drug.
-The nurse said they would probably break my water around 9:30 a.m.
-9 a.m. woke up CLOSE YOUR EYES IF YOU'RE SQUEAMISH...to a slight gush. My water broke on its own. I was dilated to 6.
-Close to 11 a.m. I started to feel the need to push, called my nurse, told her and she checked me...I was at 10! It was baby time!
-Called my doctor and told her she need to get to the room ASAP and that baby was ready.
-Pushed for around 15 to 20 min. and our beautiful baby boy was born!
It was a great experience. My doctor and my morning nurse were awesome at encouraging me and making me feel comfortable. My hubby is, of course, amazing. He helped me through it all and kept me calm and pushing hard. I love that man with all my heart. He is an amazing father, and we are so blessed to have him in our lives.
Griffin was healthy, Gracie was excited, Justin was thrilled, and me...well I was thankful for many reasons. Who wouldn't be after just adding a new baby to their family.
Thank you for all your love and support through this pregnancy. Your kind words, sweet gestures and encouragement mean the world to us. Griffin thanks you as well. :)