Boy, did April fly by or what? I can't believe it is May 4th. My intention was to start writing posts about each big happening rather than a review of the month, but like the title says, "Here today, gone tomorrow". I don't know where the month went, seriously. And really, who was I kidding to think that I would blog so frequently? I wouldn't want you to get all excited about a weekly blog post and then get your undies in bunch when I
fall of the face of the earth have Baby Boy.
Speaking of which, I'm still pregnant and uncomfortable. My due date is the 6th but Gracie was 4 days late so I'm fully expecting this baby to be late as well... and huge.
In April, we celebrated Easter with a MOM's Club Egg Hunt, the Kapolei Egg Hunt, decorating eggs, our own Gracie egg hunt, a friend's birthday egg hunt, and an Ohana egg hunt. We found lots of eggs which meant
I ate lots of candy we had to hide some of it.
Here are some pictures from the MOM's Club Egg Hunt hosted at a mom's house in Makakilo on the Friday before Easter.
Gracie bug...she loves her shades! |
Picking up Easter eggs |
Showing me the treasures |
At this point, the Easter Bunny made a special appearance. I didn't know how Gracie would react to him. When we saw him come in the backyard, she immediately yelled "Easter Bunny!" and started to wave to him. I wanted to cry because it was so sweet and so innocent. She waved from afar and then as soon as I asked her if she wanted to go see him, she started walking over to him without Mommy's help. She is getting to be such a big girl. It makes me sad to see her be so "big". I know she's not my tiny baby anymore!
Waving so sweetly to the Easter Bunny |
Walked right up to him, gave him a hug and wanted her picture taken with him :) |
Then we had the nightmare of an egg hunt at the Kapolei Egg Hunt on Saturday. So many people, so many kids and not enough eggs. They said kids had a limit of 5. Well, let's just say we were lucky to get 1. I am so grateful that Gracie was happy with the 1 she found. She was more excited to see the Easter Bunny anyways.
Probably 1/8 of the crowd there |
Gracie waiting so patiently |
Our only egg...we had friends there with their kids who did not even get 1! We considered ourselves lucky! |
Cutest Daddy/Daughter picture ever |
She was so excited to get her picture taken again with the Easter Bunny. No tears, no complaining, no fears. The best/funniest part was when Justin walked her up to the E.B., he had his hand exactly like this for each picture/child. She instantly gave him a high five but he was just posing that way! We were cracking up! She even gave a wink for the camera hahahaha!
Here we are decorating our Easter eggs Saturday night. She loved picking which color to put the eggs in and loved putting stickers on the eggs when they were dry. She really enjoyed decorating the eggs this year!
Dipping the 1st egg |
Checking out the colors |
Showing us her surprised face LOL |
Our hardwork paid off :) |
The next morning was Easter, and Gracie woke us up and told us that she saw eggs on the "rocking chair", the recliner in the living room. We told her the Easter Bunny must have come over night. She was so excited to find her Easter basket and treats on the table. The Easter Bunny also had her hunt for eggs that were filled with treats and 7 clues to her Tangled characters/figurines.
Our little bunny |
Cars Squinkies and The Lion King |
Hunting |
Showing off her finds |
One of the Tangled characters she had to use a clue for |
Later that day, we celebrated our friend's birthday! Jacob turned 4 and his family had all of us over for a little bouncing, eating and egg hunting. Gracie had a blast! Thanks to his mommy and daddy for having us. We had fun as always! Happy birthday Jacob!
This picture cracks me up! I'm sure we will have a picture like this when she is in her teens :) |
I am so glad our Auntie Janice got this picture...her face was priceless while waiting for a special guest :) |

Nemo came to visit the kids! Gracie was mesmerized! |
Watching Nemo swim back upstairs |
Us mommas at Jacob's Birthday |
More egg hunting |
Convinced Daddy to give her one of the special treats |
So happy and so cute! |
One final Easter picture :) |
Our last Easter celebration came the Tuesday after Easter. We had an egg hunt at Auntie Janice's house with our friends (our Hawaiian Ohana). Lots of yummy breakfast foods, treats and fun. Thanks Janice for hosting! Here's G checking out her newest candy additions.
The Saturday before Easter, we went to our first Rainbow baseball game. It was a gorgeous day with a beautiful breeze. I got to enjoy my first baseball hotdog! It was everything I had been waiting for since our last baseball game in Omaha. I will be so sad this year to miss ALL CWS tailgates and games. My first year of not going in a very, very long time.
Schonebergs and Andresens |
Gracie at the game |
Cheering for the Rainbows |
Our Hawaiian Ohana really surprised Justin, Gracie and I with a Mustache Bash Baby Shower for Baby Boy. We thought we were going to the Adams' house for a pictionary rematch but to our surprise, it was a party for us! We are so lucky to call these women, men and children our family and friends. I seriously don't know what we would do without them all in our lives. Thanks for such a fun and thoughtful party. You guys never cease to amaze us at how caring and welcoming you all our. Your hearts are so big, and we appreciate each and every one of you for all you do for us, Gracie and Baby Boy.
Oh, and I'm 2 for 2 in dressing very comfortably and looking my "best" for surprise showers. My niece Lexi would be proud. haha You can look back at my
Omaha post on what I wore so fashionably to my surprise shower given by my mom and sisters.
The sign on the front door |
The yummy chocolate cake! |
The mustache decor was awesome! |
I don't think our friends new that my dad and his side of the family often sport mustaches that look like these. |
Our Mustache Bash Family Portrait |
Gracie checking on baby brother's mustache |
Mommy and Gracie :) |
Gracie's stache haha |
Big sister Gracie! |
Daddy Relay Race |
After they diapered and ran with strollers around the park, the daddies had to eat baby food and drink beer from a bottle. They had a difficult time eating after running. |
All the Daddies! |
Gracie Rose, I love your cheeks! |
Watching a movie with her friends |
End of the night |
Yes, we had a fun month celebrating lots of fun things, but we also had some down time to play. Here are a few more memories from the month of April.
She wanted a belly like Mommy's |
Dr. Gracie checking on her baby. We had to make a visit to the real doctor to get Gracie's ear checked. She got her very 1st ear infection EVER. We are so blessed that this was her first and are hoping it's her only. She was such a good girl and did so well for the doctor. After that and a trip to the Children's Discovery Center, I created a doctor's office for her to practice her skills. She loves being the doctor! |
Playing at Kamryn's |
So May is here, my due date is the 6th, and there is a super moon tomorrow. I've been told full moons make women go into labor...I'm praying that's true and Baby Boy is here by my due date. As a half-Mexican woman and mother, I wouldn't mind my 1st son to be born on the cinco de mayo (for you English speakers that's 5th of May ;). I think if he does come tomorrow, he will be born with a mustache and looking like a real Mexican. Something I could never pull off (except for the stache, that could happen if I let it) haha But even if he arrives after the 5th, I'll just be happy to have him in my arms. We can't wait to meet the little guy! Gracie is so excited to meet Baby Brother!!! She is going to be such a great big sister!
Next time I blog, we will be parents of 2...wish us luck! Maybe I should say, see you in September when things calm down because we all know how good I am at updating/blogging! Although I am officially caught up! Check FaceBook and emails for when the little baby graces us with his presence! Have a great May! I know we will!