FYI--Baby Update-- In my last post, I talked about Mommy-to-be Emily and her baby shower. Well, the day after I posted that she had her little bundle of joy two weeks early! Emily and Daddy Charlie welcomed Tenley Katherine on March 31, 2012. She is such a cute little peanut, and we are so happy for their little family. We can't wait to meet her when we return home!
Our two weeks back home were filled with fun. The last few days of our stay, we really tried to make the most of it.
One thing we did that I did not get any pictures from was a visit up to my old work, Rohwer. Gracie and I ate lunch with past co-workers and friends and caught up on life in Hawaii. Gracie loved checking out the "really big kid toys"in Jenn's room and it was so nice to see everyone and talk to them. I really wish my toddler would have had a little more patience with me as I would have loved to walk around and see some more familiar faces, but alas, nap time had arrived and she was ready to go.
I thing I have learned since being out here is that going from working full time with a never-ending to-do list to being a stay-at-home mommy with no to-do list has been the toughest transition of moving for me. When I first had Gracie and was on maternity leave, I quickly figured out that I was not meant to stay at home. As much as I love Gracie and being with her, I couldn't do it 24/7, and I felt like a better/happier person and mom working full-time. I truly believe some people are meant to be at home, but I strongly support those who feel they can't or don't want to. Now don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed being able to stay home and watch my little G grow into a smart, loving, funny toddler. I do count this as a blessing as I know there are moms or even dads out there, who envy those who get to stay home with their children. I will never regret this decision that we made and always try my hardest to make the most of it and to cherish it forever.
Given that, here is what I miss about teaching and working full-time:
-having adult interaction on a daily basis
-a never-ending to-do list
-the opportunity to teach kids and help them grow and learn in a positive environment
-being responsible to get things done in a timely manner
-being the "captain" and "Sister Nati" as my loving teammates called me
-seeing students' light bulbs turn on
-sharing stories about funny things my students have said or done
-I even miss the stress of it all (sometimes LOL)
Anyways, it was great seeing some of you and I hope and pray every day that when we do return to Omaha, that Rohwer has a spot for me to return to. Have a great rest of the year Rohwer staff!
Here we are on Valentine's Day Eve decorating some heart cookies. Gracie again wanted to eat more than she decorated.
Enjoying her masterpiece |
Warning! Some of these are inappropriate...I did not participate in the creation of these. ha |
Valentine's Day was spent with Gracie and Daddy. Daddy brought Gracie some balloons, and we gave her a special treat (VeggieTales fruit snacks). She absolultely loved her Mater balloon! Justin and I enjoyed a massage and dinner at Anthony's. We tried to find something else to do after dinner until we could see a movie, but the timing of everything and being pregnant really put a damper on those plans. We ended up going home earlier than planned and watching Tangled with Gracie, which was a pleasant surprise for all of us!
My Valentine's Day date |
Gracie and her Mater |
I love this picture! 1. It's a rare picture of Gracie and I 2. She put her arm around me and grabbed my chin without any prompting from me :) She is so cute and funny! |
Gracie and Grandma Pam |
Gracie and Daddy-o |
Popcorn and a movie--our date Valentine's Day night |
We also made sure to meet up with our friends Anna, Fiona and Callie to play at P.E. 101. Gracie and I had visited the girls when we first got there but Gracie's bff, Fiona, was nearly dying of bff withdrawals that we made another date to see each other before we left. We had so much fun there that Gracie threw a fit when we tried to leave. She loves Fiona so much and talks about her often. We can't wait to see you girls all again and to meet the newest baby girl addition when she arrives!
Gracie and Fiona in the foam pit |
Precious Callie |
Trapped :) |
Fiona on the rings |
 | invention ever for kids |
We also had a "girls night" at my mom's. We had dinner, got to see my aunts, and spent time with the girls in the family. My brother and Justin went out for "guys night" to the bar and UFC fights. Here's G and Uncle PoPo at the end of the night at Grandma's house.
Too sweet |
Another event that happened while in Omaha was a surprise baby shower for our little baby boy. I seriously had no clue this was going on. I thought we were getting together at my mom's house for a family dinner. I dressed the part as well, comfy sweats and a T. My niece, Lexi, even said to my sister, Dianna, "Mom, I'm so worried she's going to show up in sweatpants!" Well, I did. Thanks for the heads up! haha
The party was a ton of fun with a ton of food...delicious Mexican food that I had been craving since last August. The party was thrown by my mom Linda, sisters Dianna and Tina, and "a close enough to be a sister" Jackie. A ton of my close friends showed up and it meant the world to me to have them there and to see them. Had it not been for the party, I wouldn't have seen some of these friends at all during our time home. Thanks for coming girls!
Big sis eating her guac and chips |
No party is completely in my family without the beer. So the contestants below had to drink a beer through a bottle and the one who drank it the quickest won a prize. I can't remember who won and I wasn't drinking! That's pregnancy brain.
Drinking game at a baby shower...only in my family :) |
2 of my beautiful nieces who are growing up way too fast! |
Now, for the next game, I had to guess the person who brought each gift to the party. A wrong answer meant they could take the tube of lipstick and draw something on my face. A correct guess meant I was spared some embarrassment. I didn't do too bad, thank God!
Friends and babies |
At some point during this present opening game, we had a drama filled fiasco. We always leave it up to my sister and her kids to have something crazy happen to them. They are the clumsiest family we know. My youngest niece, Lizette, threw a weighted balloon at my youngest nephew, Ben. He ended up with a cut on his head, but with the amount of blood on his face, you might have thought it was a huge gash. Thank God my sister-in-law and one of my best friends are nurses. He checked out ok, and there was no need to go to the ER, which was a huge concern to my sister when she first saw him. Actually, I think we all thought he was going to have to go in to the ER and get stitches.
Here's how I ended a total weirdo. Thanks Di |
Thanks again for the surprise party! I had so much fun, and I appreciate all of you who came to support us. We are truly blessed with awesome friends and family in our lives.
We were so glad that the weather was finally "warm" enough to take Gracie to the zoo. We had talked about before we left Hawaii because Omaha was having an usually warm winter. Gracie really wanted to see the monkeys and Nemo. Well, the snow storm hit, and we thought for sure we wouldn't make it there. But God gave us a little break and we made it there the day before we left home. Gracie got to see desert animals, gorillas and monkeys, and tigers. Unfortunately, the aquarium was still under construction while we were there so she was not able to see Nemo, Dory or the sharks.
Gracie and Daddy at the zoo |
We also made sure to play with the snow one last time before we left. She went sledding, ate snow, made a snow angel, and with Daddy's help made a "real" snowman/snow Minnie Mouse. Obviously, Justin has experience in the snowman making department where as I do not.
Snow Minnie Mouse |
Gracie and Minnie |
Her snow angel |
Last ride down the hill |
It was very hard to leave Saturday morning after our two weeks home. We had so much fun and did so much but there were still things/people we missed seeing while we were there. I miss it every day we are gone. Our trip back to Hawaii was not very fun...too many stops, too much waiting, and a sad/sleepy/exhausted/hungry toddler, made the day last forever. It has seriously made me contemplate coming home for another visit before we actually return for good. It was rough.
I miss home every day but I know to appreciate the time out here and to treasure the memories we are creating. It's just that nothing can take the place of your real home.